Inner Evolution Retreat

The event is finished.

These prices are valid for
Turkish citizens

1 day and night 2,950 try

Additional sessions, each 1,950 try

3 nights, 3 days and 3 additional sessions 12,900 try

For non-Turkish participants
prices are

1 day and night 220

Additional sessions, each 140

3 days, 3 nights and 3 additionals 950

Inner Evolution Retreats

What is included in this reservation?
  • Medical and/or psychological counseling before the experience, if necessary.
  • Accommodation and meals (breakfast, lunch and evening snacks).
  •  Participation in in-depth workshops with our facilitators, as well as spaces for a preparatory session before the evening session.
  •  Group integration workshops organized in the mornings, to share experience or to expand in your understanding of what is going on in your process.
  • Ancestral tools offered during the night. Post-retreat gatherings, virtual or in-person, organized in your area (varies by group and time).

Banks details for TRYpayments

Bank Name: ZİRAAT BANKASI Account name: İÇSEL EVRİM Iban: TR33 0001 0001 3897 4993 9950 01

Bank Details for EURO payment

Bank name: Ziraat Bankasi Account Name: İCSEL EVRIM Iban: TR 0600 0100 0138 9749 9399 5002 Swift code: TCZBTR2A